
Dick Jewell - Four Thousand Threads *Signed*


Publisher: Dick Jewell
Year: 2015
Format: Softcover
Edition: First Edition, 1,000 Copies
Condition: New - Signed By Dick Jewell
Pages: 288
Size: 30 × 24cm

“I have always been a glutton for images, gathering, hoarding and reconfiguring them for decades. Now with a globalised proliferation of digital imagery being shared across the web as a result of millions of phone cameras I have become fascinated by the sheer increase in the numbers of images that capture either ‘the moment’ or ‘the impending moment’; that brief period prior to an event. ...The urge to capture an instant seems to have become influenced by the opportunity to share it with the world, and the more such instances occur as images the greater the urge to create more. This would go some way to explain phenomena such as planking, batmanning, hadoukening, horsemanning, catbearding and bombing, to name but a few. Within this book I explored the relationships, or threads, between these images; for I feel somewhere within the thread lies the germination of creativity.” Dick Jewell