
Corinne Day - Diary


Publisher: Kruse Verlag
Year: 2000
Format: Hardcover
Edition: 1st Edition
Condition: Very Good
Pages: 116
Size: 23 x 29cm

Corinne Day's photographs have influenced a generation of fashion and documentary image makers. Her pictures unflinchingly document her life and relationships with a realist snapshot aesthetic-representing a youth culture set against the glamour of fashion and avoiding fictionalization or voyeurism.

Famous for her 1990 photographs of a young Kate Moss, British model turned photographer Corinne Day had come to epitomize the late-20th century "heroin chic" aesthetic to the world of fashion editorial. Corinne Day passed away in 2010 at the age of 48 from a brain tumour (the moment she was first diagnosed is documented in the book). Diary represents the sole monographic book of her images published during her lifetime.